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Contact & MapHow to arrive


Fam. Eisenstecken
Strada del Rodella 11
39042 Bressanone
South Tyrol – Italy

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Arriving by car

Coming from south:
On the Highway A22, please use the exit Klausen-Gröden (Chiusa-Val Gardena). On the Brennero Motorway SS12, drive in the direction of Chiusa/Klausen to Bressanone, and pass 1 roundabout. At the second roundabout take the third exit (Bahnhof/Railway Station) and at the next roundabout take the second exit (Via Velturno / SP74). Continue on the Via Velturno until the next junction and then turn right to Pinzagen, Tils and Gereuth to the farm Stocknerhof.

Coming from north:
On the Highway A22, please use the exit Brixen-Pustertal (Bressanone-Val Pusteria). On the Brennero Motorway SS12, drive in the direction of Bressanone, and pass 2 roundabouts. At the third roundabout take the second exit (Bahnhof/Railway Station) and at the next roundabout take the second exit (Via Velturno / SP74). Continue on the Via Velturno until the next junction and then turn right to Pinzagen, Tils and Gereuth to the farm Stocknerhof.

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